Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública Secretaría General de Presupuestos y Gastos
Unión Europea

Scheduling Multiregional Operational Programmes (AGE)

The programming process of the European Structural and Investment Funds, once the Association Agreement of Spain 2014-2020 has been prepared, continues with the development of the Operative Programs, that make possible action lines, goals and results to achieve with the Funds in each region (regional POs) or group of regions (multi-regional Pos).

In Spain 19 regional POs are being developed (one for each Community and Autonomous City), whose national co-financing are wholly funded by the regions, and 3 multi-regional POs co-funded by the Government General Management. These programs of national scope are the following:

- PO of Smart Development (POCI in Spanish)

 - PO of Sustainable Development (POCS)

- PO SMB Initiative (this last one is a financial instrument developed by the European Bank of Investments)

In this section there are the documents used in the preparation of both programs POCI and POCS, before having a draft of both programs.